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arriving at the tube for the first time. king's cross is on harry potter for those of you who didn't know hence why it is so cool. What a day what a day we had today. We left Paris today, which was not too sad for me to be honest and I was so stoked to finally go to London. One thing I was super excited for was taking the Chunnel from Paris to London. Turns out its just like every other train ride we’ve been on here in Europe and the only difference was that my ears kept popping from being underwater for like 20 minutes but that was it. We arrived in London and I instantly fell head over heels for the city. I don’t know what it is about it but it just has this urban city vibe that I thrive on. It was time to head to our flats and I was excited to see where we would be living for the next 16 days. Darrin had warned us that the neighborhood we were in is SUPER nice and that we would get fined thousands of pounds if we made noise after a certain time. Let’s just say after taking the tube stop “South Kensington” I knew we were in for a nice place. Doesn’t South Kensington just sound so upscale and chic? Well it is. The buildings are perfect little row houses all in white with black doors – just like you would imagine it. We checked into our flats and after 68 stairs up to Flat 17, we made it. We pretty much hike Everest every time we come to our apartment. Our flat consists of 5 rooms and 15 people with one very small kitchen and living room and 3 bathrooms. My room is pretty sweet with the 4 of us except that the bunk bed sounds like it will shatter to pieces every time you blink pretty much. It really is nice though and its nice that we have a kitchen so we can buy groceries instead of eating out every day, which is just astronomical.
coolest nissan i've ever seen and the oldest i've seen parked outside our flats.
bentley #1. gorgeous to say the least. i have seen SO many more equally as pretty. After checking in, it was time for a walking tour of London. Pretty sure the best part of the walking tour and London are all the BEAUTIFUL cars!!! Seriously they are everywhere from Maserati’s to Bentley’s, BMW’s, Lexus’, Range Rover’s, Lambo’s – you name a luxury car and London has it. I love being surrounded by beautiful things and beautiful cars are even better. On the tour, we hit up such things as Big Ben and saw the London Eye. We also walked past Westminster Abbey and saw a slight glimpse of Buckingham Palace. It was a long day from our travels, but I can’t wait to become a London bloke in this quite cheery city. Cheers from London!
trifolga square.
queen's guard. he seriously stands in the position all day. worst job you could have.
me and big ben.
big ben and parliment.
fab strikin poses in the cold wind.
london's eye. biggest ferris wheel i've seen as well as the most expensive.
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