Tuesday, August 4, 2009
8.4.09 Final Sketches.
Posted by Ali at 11:40 AM 0 comments
8.4.09 Country recaps.
Italy is…everything perfect.
old and new.
past and present.
Italy was kind, selfless, and all beauty. She shared her culture, friends, classiness, architecture, and cuisine freely, no questions asked. Italia was my dreams made in reality, influenced my design eye, and left me complete and gratified. Grazie Italia. I’ll be back to your flawless streets soon. Ciao bella until then…FRANCE.
France is…not Italy.
It is city life.
France was no friend of mine, but she brought modern design to me. It prompted growth in the present and required me to be open in mind, perspective, and interpretation. France was fresh and forward and sky-high. I was impacted through design, but unaltered by my surroundings. France came and went and buffered the transition of Roman ways to modern London days. Merci France for round two, but I fear we are through. Au revoir…
England is…countryside and city.
England was equal parts city and country. She brought train rides and bus rides and more train rides and bus rides. Gardens and hedges filled everyday and palaces line my memories. England brought clotted cream and dainty cupcakes and an entirely new vocabulary. From the beautiful language and contrasting environments, England was unique in its own right and she appreciated the modern taste I am so fond of. Cheers England and your nearly American manner. It’s off to my America now.
Posted by Ali at 8:54 AM 0 comments
8.4.09 London.
Wow I never thought I’d be blogging my last blog of this trip. It has flown by and most memories are just a blur and seem to have happened much longer ago than 5 weeks. We ended today with a visit to the Queen – too bad she wasn’t there. Buckingham Palace was…pretty much like every other palace/house we’ve been to. I never saw the view of Buckingham palace you see in the movies, nor did I see any of those guards that I know I would have made laugh. That said, I was a bit disappointed but I can’t deny the beauty of the palace. It actually used to be a home until one of the king’s decided he wanted to turn it into a palace and extended it with over 200 rooms. It is one of the only working palaces in the world and many important events have occurred there. Fun fact: one of the rooms we visited is a music room and greeting room for guests and is the same room where Prince William and Harry were both Christened with water brought in from Judea. Also, every gift the Queen has ever been given has a home somewhere in the palace or grounds; even a full-sized palm tree has a place in the Royal Botanical gardens.
It is weird to think that this trip is over and we’ll be back in the US of A. Strange to think about but I am SO excited. I have loved Europe and this experience and will never forget what I’ve learned, seen, and who I’ve gotten to know. Cheers Europe…
Posted by Ali at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
8.3.09 London.
We found the gift shop and any store that has its own gift shop is a big deal. We made our purchases there and headed to another grocery store to see if we could find some chocolate and treats for our families. We were successful in finding what we needed except I was unable to find the wanted Harry Potter candy I’ve been searching for this whole time in London. I asked a guy that worked there if they had any HP candy and after leading me to the electronics and fiction novels aisle, he promptly told me they didn’t have any. I was slightly confused why he had led me to that aisle but after searching on our own, it was nowhere to be found, sadly. We just headed back to the flat to finish up our last few sketches and chilled for the remainder of the night.
Posted by Ali at 11:20 AM 0 comments
8.2.09 London.
Round two of church and I could not have been more excited about attending. We decided to go to the earlier ward, which is a family ward and it was so great to see that no matter where you are in the world the church is the same. Families were coming in late and the kids were rambunctious. There were some very interesting testimonies and one that takes the cake for sure. A man stood up who was from the Czech Republic and was apparently speaking English, yet none of us could understand him until the very end, and I am so glad I was able to witness this. He said, “I’m going through an economic crisis right now, so if you could give the Bishop food or money for me that would be great,” and he sat down. The Bishop’s face was priceless and we all got a good laugh out of that.
Posted by Ali at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
8.1.09 London.
Brady and I made it to the theatre and found our seats up in a box with two other people…aka Asians. I mention that only because of how they were acting and how many ridiculous pictures they took before the show started. I made sure I made it into every single one of their pictures and hope they appreciate my smile behind the girl’s head. Our seats were pretty good and after the Asians realized that if they scooted down we would all see much better, I was able to just lean on the balcony and I could see pretty much the whole stage. It was such a fun musical and is definitely more of a theatrical performance, much different than Billy Elliot and I enjoyed being entertained the entire time. I can’t get enough of ABBA and loved hearing all their music again. It was another great musical experience here in London.
Posted by Ali at 1:04 PM 0 comments